Donate | Bequest | Supply Services | Volunteer
You can Make a Lasting Difference With a Bequest
One way to help Sumner Lifeboat financially is to make a bequest to us in your Will. A legacy of just a small sum can help our volunteers to save lives.

A bequest can be for a specific amount, or for a residual sum after the rest of your estate and family have been looked after.
An up-to-date Will is the best way to be sure your loved ones know which charities you care about, and how you would like to help them.
Over time it is easy to change your Will, so even if you already have a will you can add a bequest now. You can also amend it in the future to reflect your changing circumstances.
A bequest to Sumner Lifeboat will be used to help keep our crew safe and to have the best gear for saving lives at sea.
For example, bequests may go towards purchasing new equipment, paying operating costs or into funds for replacement lifeboats.
If you’d like to support us via a bequest, we suggest you consult your lawyer about how to include Sumner Lifeboat in your Will.
The information your lawyer will need is all on our web site:
- our charitable status details are at the bottom of this page
- see the Contact Us page for our contact details
- see the How to Donate page for bank account details.
If you are thinking about supporting us via a bequest and would like to talk about it, please call Christine Toner on 027 433958.